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Writer's pictureNarda Goodson

The Cave of Adullam

The Cave of Adullam by Narda Goodson
The Cave of Adullam

Some of the most beautiful and encouraging Psalms were written from a life that encountered much brutality from life, circumstances, unfairness, and even from enemies within and without. David, while escaping Saul’s wrath, found himself one day hiding in a dark cave and he wrote: “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful, because I come to you for safety. In the shadow of your wings I find protection until the raging storms are over. I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me (Psalm 57:1-2).” David knew that GOD was the saving strength of his right hand and it was in the midst of his personal darkness and distress that he knew GOD to be his defense. If like David, you are taking refuge in the cave all while staring at calamity everywhere you turn, remember what the promise of GOD says. Read it. Meditate on it. Trust it. The LORD will not fail thee. In my times of affliction, in my times of distress; in my times of adversity, like David, I too, sing 🎶 , write ✍🏽 , and meditate 💭 upon these psalms. For there is so much truth to glean within the Scriptures. While living in a cave for months and after losing so much and hiding from his sniper enemies, we find David writing some of the most heartfelt cries in the Book of Psalms a human heart could ever compose. It brings much comfort to know that even a king 👑 such as David and a prophet as Elijah have tread this emotional, daunting place. Ever been to a secret place where you needed to hide from your enemies but a place where very few if any at all surrounded you? Welcome to the Cave of Adullam. Adullam means “hiding place”. But take heart friend because this cave is not the comfortable comfy couch 🛋 at all. Yet, in the conflicting place of distress, there are valuable lessons to be learned and discovered in the Cave of Adullam. The cave experience is a cold, dark, and lonely one. And while the latter is true, the cave is also a place where you can communicate with GOD and tell Him how you feel, how you feel about your circumstances and even how you feel about others (read Psalm 142). The cave is a place where you can pour out your heart to GOD in total surrender and in honesty knowing that He still loves you and has a plan for you. Has trouble hit your life? Is trouble knocking on the doors of your home right now? The LORD GOD continues to respond as He has in times past, “Do not fear”. Like David, learn to give GOD praise while hiding in the cave until He makes your enemies your footstool. For there is yet still a remnant of people that will come to you. People that you will have to pour into even while you are going through your own troubles and distresses. I Samuel 22:2 records this: 2 And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was bitter in soul, gathered to him. Your future is not predicated on your circumstances. If anything, your circumstances are classroom props to teach you how to walk by faith in GOD. Each step is a stepping stone, and you will still have to point the way for others even when the torch of light seems obscure in your own life. There is so much more but for the sake of time and reflection, I will pause here. Take refuge in these words and hope in GOD. For the Father’s covenant of peace shall not be broken and His devotion of love toward you shall not depart.

📜 Scriptures to Meditate on: 📝📔 Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains may be removed and the hills may be shaken, My loving devotion will not depart from you, and My covenant of peace will not be broken,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

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